November 10, 2022
Celebrate Augustine’s Birthday with this Ancient Birthday Cake Recipe
Augustine's Augustine's birthday is November 13, 354AD.
Monica or someone close to Augustine reportedly made him a desert similar to what we would consider a birthday cake -- full of honey, nuts, and grains.
Below find our Augustine Blog-approved recipe!
Credit for Recipe: Noël Falco Dolan and Fr. Joe Mostardi, OSA
Source: Confessions E-Book
Augustine Birthday Cake Recipe
1 stick of softened butter
½ cup of white sugar
½ cup of brown sugar
¼ cup of honey
3 whole eggs
1 cup of almond flour
½ cup of corn meal
½ cup whole wheat flour
1 cup of unbleached flour or cake flour
1 tsp. of baking powder
1 tsp. of baking soda
1 cup of milk
2 tbl. of Grappa or some other Italian Liquor (I use Frangelico)
½ cup of pine nuts and walnuts – finely crushed
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Blend together butter, both sugars, honey, and eggs until creamy. (Could be done by hand since I do not believe Monica had an electric mixer!)
Sift dry ingredients together three times until well mixed and then gradually add to the butter mixture.
Add milk and Grappa.
Fold in crushed nuts and raisins.
Pour into whatever type of cake pan you desire. (An average-sized bundt pan works well for this amount of batter!)
Cook at 350 degrees for about 1 hour or until cake tester comes out dry.
Never eat without singing happy birthday to St. Augustine!
October 24, 2022
Pope Francis: Be like St. Augustine and examine the story of your life →
Courtney Mares in Catholic News Agency:
St. Augustine’s words are an invitation to “cultivate an interior life in order to find what you are looking for,” the pope observed.
Source: Catholic News Agency
October 6, 2022
United by a Common Love of God and Neighbor →
Fr. Carlos Medina, OSA in Augustinian Spirituality:
Augustine’s grand narrative of the City of God, starting from creation and stretching into the end times, provided a way for the Christians of late antiquity and early medieval times from many tribes and clans to become one people. It is the same for us today who struggle in societies where human migration allows for more diversity and more challenges of living interculturally.
Source: Augustinian Spirituality
October 5, 2022
Recommended: Augustinian Spirituality Blog→
Fr. Carlos Medina, OSA on Difficult Emotions:
Emotions such as sadness, fear, anger, or frustration are often described as a negative. Surely, in most circumstances we never wish to be sad, fearful, angry or frustrated. These emotions are, however, part of our human experience. The emotions themselves are neutral, but how we respond to them can have a positive or negative value for us. We can grow in virtue or we can grow in vice depending on how we respond to these emotions.
Source: Augustinian Spirituality
We recommend checking out this blog, run by the Augustinians of North America. Its mission is to relate Augustinian spirituality to modern-day topics and promote prayer, reflection, and dialogue through an Augustinian perspective.
September 22, 2022
Review of “The Essential Augustine” by New City Press →
R. Jared Staudt in The Catholic World Report
For those not quite that ambitious, New City Press also has provided a unique way of getting to know the great doctor of theology more personally as a preacher and correspondent with the Augustine Essentials Collection. Essential Sermons condenses 11 volumes into one, while the Essential Expositions of the Psalms draws together excerpts of his great six-volume commentary on the Psalms. Likewise, Essential Letters collects his correspondence from four volumes. These essential volumes open up an important access point into such a vast body of writing.
Source: The Catholic World Report
September 14, 2022
Find Brutal Friends →
James Mumford in Comment Magazine:
Any potential power dynamic is quashed by the fact that my friend and I both stand under the good, now revealed to be God. We are, in Augustine’s Latin, socios, “joint participants,” “associates” in a goodness external to us both. And if we believe, Augustine concludes, that God is the source of all goodness, where my friend’s good lies as well as mine, it follows that authentically other-regarding friendship will involve “referring” her to God, but not coercively—pointing not prodding, suggesting not cajoling, sharing not imposing.
Source: Comment Magazine
August 31, 2022
Baptism and the Heated Debates Over Augustine’s Development →
Ty Monroe in the Church Life Journal:
Thus the evidence marshaled here suggests that Confessions is not merely an extended reply claiming that his baptism and membership in the Church is genuine; rather, it is (among other things) also a subtle explanation as to how and why salvation must be worked out in this way. For it shows that whatever intellectual, moral, and even doctrinal progress or missteps Augustine made on his journey toward incorporation into Christ, it was the efficacy of baptism that overcame his past deficiencies in a definitive way, while also opening up for him the sacramental and ecclesial body of Christ, which would provide the ongoing remedy for his lifelong struggle with sin.
Source: Church Life Journal
August 26, 2022
Human Fundamentals: The Case for Great-Books Programs →
Zena Hitz in Commonweal Magazine
The world of learning is simply the world of humanity. It is common property, a shared home. Readers of all locations, backgrounds, and walks of life are free agents, capable of creative engagement and repurposing such culture as they find for the needs they see for themselves. “Humanity” is not a piece of essentialism, as some of its critics claim. It is an aspiration, a dream shaped by all who share it, toward which we advance piecemeal and with difficulty.
Source: Commonweal Magazine
August 17, 2022
Augustine by the Rivers of an American Babylon →
Veronica Roberts Ogle in the Church Life Journal:
While Augustine is adamant that we remain stalwart in rejecting construals of earthly peace that do not harmonize with heavenly peace, this stance does not justify hostility towards the members of the earthly city, but instead encourages us to understand the passion behind their noblest impulses and to look for and their admire proto-virtues, which may well exist where we have none. It reminds us to learn from those willing to work with us, and even those who are not. This is guaranteed to be a humbling exercise, as it is bound to reveal our own Babylonian proclivities—the earthly things to which we cling without knowing—but that is for the good, as it divests us of the illusion that we have already become the people into which we pray we will be made, all of us together.
Source: Church Life Journal