“Having already heard many parts of the sacred books explained in a reasonable and acceptable way, I came to regard those passages which had previously struck me as absurd, and therefore repelled me, as holy and profound mysteries. The authority of the sacred writings seemed to me all the more deserving of reverence and divine faith in that scripture was easily accessible to every reader, while yet guarding a mysterious dignity in its deeper sense.” (Conf. 6.5.8)
These profound lines, found in Book 6 of St. Augustine’s Confessions, are a reflection of the saint’s journey of faith and a timeless reminder about the power of connections and the significance of seeking knowledge.
Book 6 of Augustine’s Confessions is an introspective look at his connections with God, his mother Monica, his friends, and St. Ambrose, the bishop who was instrumental in his conversion. Augustine creates a mosaic of the human journey of faith with God as the artist, showing how everything can work together for our welfare through its interconnected intentions and interactions.
We can see Augustine’s propensity for meaningful interactions through his relationships with his friends, which would serve him well in his later roles as a bishop and teacher of the truth. Augustine’s relationships in Book 6 dispel the myth that he was a heartless sinner before his conversion.
St. Ambrose had a significant impact on Augustine’s spiritual development by instructing him in the Scriptures and shedding light on the character of God. It serves as a gentle reminder that we can gain insight from everyone around us, no matter how different their experiences or worldviews may be from our own.
Unavoidably, Augustine’s mother, Monica, must be mentioned in any account of his family ties. Her love for her kid came from a place of maternal worry and reflected the Lord’s providence. Only a loving mother could provide Augustine with the stability he needed for his difficult life and spiritual development.
However, Monica’s love for her kid was also intrinsically linked to her role as a mother. This points to a more fundamental truth: our work provides our life significance and direction. When we don’t know what we’re here for, it’s easy to grow disillusioned and furious, but having a vocation can help us find our way.
To avoid confusion, we may only accept what we fully grasp in our quest for meaning. It’s natural to get defensive or upset when presented with thoughts or opinions that run counter to our own. But as Augustine’s story shows, it is possible to overcome frustration and perplexity to reach a higher level of comprehension.
Seeking wisdom and insight brings us closer to the truth and helps us realize our individual callings. Doing so calls on us to put aside our pride and listen to others, even if we disagree with their points of view. By doing so, we can gain insight into who we are and our place in the world and ultimately overcome anger and bewilderment.
Augustine’s Confessions, in sum, provides a timeless message on the value of relationships and education. Augustine demonstrates that we can take inspiration from the people around us by reflecting on his spiritual development and the connections that shaped him. Therefore, even when frustrated or perplexed, we need to be receptive to new information and the possibility of new perspectives. Doing so will help us get closer to the truth and actualize our respective callings.

Deji Dada
Augustine Deji Dada is a priest, doctoral candidate, and researcher at the Center for Church Management at Villanova University.