landscape photography of body of water surrounded by green trees beside mountain

In the beginning, God made heaven and earth (Conf. Book 12)

Daniel Maher reflects on Augustine's self-emptying imitating Christ's kenosis

a large mountainous area

Seeking the Truth with MosesĀ (Conf. Book 12)

Susannah Ticciati reflects on Augustine's meditation on the prophet Moses

Walking with St. Augustine

Marylu Hill on becoming what you are not yet

Book Review: Mary Keys’s Pride, Politics, and Humility in Augustine’s City of God

Br. Bobby McFadden on Mary Keys's book on Augustine and humility

unknown person lying on brown bench indoors

Rooted and Stretched in Time (Conf. Book 11)

Colleen Mitchell on what makes Augustine tick

What Does Augustinian Spirituality Look Like for Women?

Colleen Mitchell on what she learned about Augustinian spirituality while on pilgrimage

What Dreams May Come: Imagining Heaven with Augustine

Mark S.M. Scott on imagining heaven with Augustine

brown yak on brown grass field during day

Augustine’s Sense of Time (Conf. Book 11)

Sarah Stewart-Kroeker on when the buffalo went away

white printer paper

Human Mortality and Time (Conf. Book 11)

Elizabeth Klein on being written in time