unknown person lying on brown bench indoors

Rooted and Stretched in Time (Conf. Book 11)

Colleen Mitchell on what makes Augustine tick

brown yak on brown grass field during day

Augustine’s Sense of Time (Conf. Book 11)

Sarah Stewart-Kroeker on when the buffalo went away

white printer paper

Human Mortality and Time (Conf. Book 11)

Elizabeth Klein on being written in time

white and red fireworks display during nighttime

Scattering Through Time (Conf. Book 11)

Elisabeth Rain Kincaid on purification in God's time

brown and black wall inside the cathedral

Confession as an Act of Truth (Conf. Book 10)

Colleen Mitchell on why Augustine kept going in Confessions

white concrete statue during daytime

Give What You Command (Conf. Book 10)

Andrew Chronister on the depth of our need for grace

low angle view of tower books

Inside Out with God (Conf. Book 10)

Fr. Carlos Medina, OSA, on the journey through memory